Lightwave Electronics
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Results for: Lightwave Electronics
- Heide, Christian, Phillip Keathley, and Matthias Kling. “Petahertz Electronics”, Nature Reviews Physics, 6 (October 3, 2024): 648–662.
- Altwaijry, Najd, Ryan Coffee, and Matthias Kling. “Waveform Retrieval for Ultrafast Applications Based on Convolutional Neural Networks”, APL Mach. Learn., 2 (June 25, 2024): 026124.
- Mitra, Sambit, Alvaro Jimenez-Galan, Mario Aulich, Marcel Neuhaus, Rui Silva, Volodymyr Pervak, Matthias Kling, and Shubhadeep Biswas. “Light-Wave-Controlled Haldane Model in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Nature, 628 (April 15, 2024): 752–757.
- Wong, Kai-Fu, Weiwei Li, Zilong Wang, Vincent Wanie, Erik Mansson, Dominik Hoeing, Johannes Blöchl, Thomas Nubbemeyer, Abdallah Azzeer, Andrea Trabattoni, Holger Lange, Francesca Calegari, and Matthias Kling. “Far-Field Petahertz Sampling of Plasmonic Fields”, Nano Lett., 24 (March 26, 2024): 5506–5512.
- Blöchl, Johannes, Johannes Schötz, Boris Bergues, and Matthias Kling. “From Ultrafast Light-Induced Currents to Spatially-Resolved Field Sampling ”, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 300 (March 12, 2024): 177-86.
- Altwaijry, Najd, Muhammad Qasim, Dmitry Zimin, Nicholas Karpowicz, and Matthias Kling. “Sensitivity Enhancement in Photoconductive Light Field Sampling”, Adv. Opt. Mat., 12 (March 6, 2024): 2302490.
- Altwaijry, Najd, Muhammad Qasim, Mikhail Mamaikin, Johannes Schötz, Keyhan Golyari, Michael Heynck, Enrico Ridente, Vladislav Yakovlev, Nicholas Karpowicz, and Matthias Kling. “Broadband Photoconductive Sampling in Gallium Phosphide”, Adv. Opt. Mat., 11 (May 4, 2023): 2202994.
- Yanagisawa, Hirofumi, Markus Bohn, Hirotaka Kitoh-Nishioka, Florian Goschin, and Matthias Kling. “Light-Induced Subnanometric Modulation of a Single-Molecule Electron Source”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 130 (March 8, 2023): 106204.
- Blöchl, J, J Schötz, A Malikkal, N Šreibere, Z Wang, P Rosenberger, P Hommelhoff, A Staudte, P Corkum, B Bergues, and M Kling. “Spatiotemporal Sampling of Near-Petahertz Vortex Fields”, Optica, 9 (July 5, 2022): 755-61.
- Ridente, E, M Mamaikin, N Altwaijry, D Zimin, M Kling, V Pervak, M Weidman, F Krausz, and N Karpowicz. “Electro-Optic Characterization of Synthesized Infrared-Visible Light Fields”, Nat. Com., 13 (March 2, 2022): 1111.
- Schötz, J, A Maliakkal, J Blöchl, D Zimin, Z Wang, P Rosenberger, M Alharbi, A Azzeer, M Weidman, V Yakovlev, B Bergues, and M Kling. “The Emergence of Macroscopic Currents in Photoconductive Sampling of Optical Fields”, Nat. Com., 13 (February 18, 2022): 962.
- Neuhaus, M, J Schötz, M Aulich, A Srivastava, D Kimbaras, V Smejkal, V Pervak, M Alharbi, A Azzeer, F Libisch, C Lemell, J Burgdörfer, Z Wang, and M Kling. “Transient Field-Resolved Reflectometry at 50–100 THz”, Optica, 9 (January 5, 2022): 42-49.
- Hanus, V, V Csajbók, Z Pápa, J Budai, Z Márton, G Kiss, P Sándor, P Paul, A Szeghalmi, Z Wang, B Bergues, M Kling, G Molnár, J Volk, and P Dombi. “Light-Field-Driven Current Control in Solids With PJ-Level Laser Pulses at 80 MHz Repetition Rate”, Optica, 8 (2021): 570-76.
- Schötz, J, L Seiffert, A Maliakkal, J Blöchl, D Zimin, P Rosenberger, B Bergues, P Hommelhoff, F Krausz, T Fennel, and M Kling. “Onset of Charge Interaction in Strong-Field Photoemission from Nanometric Needle Tips”, Nanophot., 10 (2021): 3769-75.
- Zimin, D, M Weidman, J Schötz, M Kling, V Yakovlev, F Krausz, and N Karpowicz. “Petahertz-Scale Nonlinear Photoconductive Sampling in Air”, Optica, 8 (2021): 586-90.
- Korobenko, A, K Johnston, K Kubullek, L Arissan, Z Dube, T Wang, M Kübel, A Naumov, D Villeneuve, M Kling, P Corkum, A Staudte, and B Bergues. “Femtosecond Streaking in Ambient Air”, Optica, 7 (2020): 1372-76.
- Kubullek, M, Z Wang, K von der Brelje, D Zimin, P Rosenberger, J Schötz, M Neuhaus, S Sederberg, A Staudte, N Karpowicz, M Kling, and B Bergues. “Single-Shot Carrier–envelope-Phase Measurement in Ambient Air”, Optica, 7 (2020): 35-39.
- Schötz, J, Z Wang, E Pisanty, M Lewenstein, M Kling, and M Ciappina. “Perspective on Petahertz Electronics and Attosecond Nanoscopy”, ACS Phot., 6 (2019): 3057-69.
- Schötz, J, S Mitra, H Fuest, M Neuhaus, W Okell, M Förster, T Paschen, M Ciappina, H Yanagisawa, P Wnuk, P Hommelhoff, and M Kling. “Nonadiabatic Ponderomotive Effects in Photoemission from Nanotips in Intense Midinfrared Laser Fields”, Phys. Rev. A, 97 (2018): 013413.
- Yanagisawa, H, M Ciappina, C Hafner, J Schötz, J Osterwalder, and M Kling. “Optical Control of Young’s Type Double-Slit Interferometer for Laser-Induced Electron Emission from a Nano-Tip”, Sci. Rep., 7 (2017): 12661.