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Our Research

In the Ultrafast Electronics and Nanophotonics group, we explore new phenomena and revolutionary applications of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, including pushing electronics to their ultimate limits and contributing to a sustainable future. We leverage the world’s most powerful X-ray sources for groundbreaking discoveries that can reshape the future. Our group's multi-disciplinary research provides a stimulating environment for students, postdocs, and staff. Enjoy our website!

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Recent Publications

  • Kling, Matthias, Carmen Menoni, Cameron Geddes, Almantas Galvanauskas, Felicie Albert, Leily Kiani, Michael Chini, Robert Baker, Keith Nelson, Linda Young, Jeffrey Moses, Sergio Carbajo, Stavros Demos, Franklin Dollar, Douglass Schumacher, Janet Tsai, Alan Fry, and Jonathan Zuegel. “Roadmap on Basic Research Needs for Laser Technology”, J. Opt., 27 (October 8, 2024): 013002.
  • Heide, Christian, Phillip Keathley, and Matthias Kling. “Petahertz Electronics”, Nature Reviews Physics, 6 (October 3, 2024): 648–662.
  • Linker, Thomas, Ritika Dagar, Alexandra Feinberg, Samuel Sahel-Schackis, Ken-Ichi Nomura, Aiichiro Nakano, Fuyuki Shimojo, Priya Vashishta, Uwe Bergmann, Matthias Kling, and Adam Summers. “Catalysis in Extreme Field Environments: A Case Study of Strongly Ionized SiO2 Nanoparticle Surfaces”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 146 (September 27, 2024): 27563–27570.

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